from inspect import getmembers, getmro, isclass
from pkgutil import iter_modules
import sys
from venusian.advice import getFrameInfo
ATTACH_ATTR = "__venusian_callbacks__"
LIFTONLY_ATTR = "__venusian_liftonly_callbacks__"
[docs]class Scanner(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):
[docs] def scan(self, package, categories=None, onerror=None, ignore=None):
""" Scan a Python package and any of its subpackages. All
top-level objects will be considered; those marked with
venusian callback attributes related to ``category`` will be
The ``package`` argument should be a reference to a Python
package or module object.
The ``categories`` argument should be sequence of Venusian
callback categories (each category usually a string) or the
special value ``None`` which means all Venusian callback
categories. The default is ``None``.
The ``onerror`` argument should either be ``None`` or a callback
function which behaves the same way as the ``onerror`` callback
function described in .
By default, during a scan, Venusian will propagate all errors that
happen during its code importing process, including
:exc:`ImportError`. If you use a custom ``onerror`` callback, you
can change this behavior.
Here's an example ``onerror`` callback that ignores
import sys
def onerror(name):
if not issubclass(sys.exc_info()[0], ImportError):
raise # reraise the last exception
The ``name`` passed to ``onerror`` is the module or package dotted
name that could not be imported due to an exception.
.. versionadded:: 1.0
the ``onerror`` callback
The ``ignore`` argument allows you to ignore certain modules,
packages, or global objects during a scan. It should be a sequence
containing strings and/or callables that will be used to match
against the full dotted name of each object encountered during a
scan. The sequence can contain any of these three types of objects:
- A string representing a full dotted name. To name an object by
dotted name, use a string representing the full dotted name. For
example, if you want to ignore the ``my.package`` package *and any
of its subobjects or subpackages* during the scan, pass
- A string representing a relative dotted name. To name an object
relative to the ``package`` passed to this method, use a string
beginning with a dot. For example, if the ``package`` you've
passed is imported as ``my.package``, and you pass
``ignore=['.mymodule']``, the ``my.package.mymodule`` mymodule *and
any of its subobjects or subpackages* will be omitted during scan
- A callable that accepts a full dotted name string of an object as
its single positional argument and returns ``True`` or ``False``.
For example, if you want to skip all packages, modules, and global
objects with a full dotted path that ends with the word "tests", you
can use ``ignore=[re.compile('tests$').search]``. If the callable
returns ``True`` (or anything else truthy), the object is ignored,
if it returns ``False`` (or anything else falsy) the object is not
ignored. *Note that unlike string matches, ignores that use a
callable don't cause submodules and subobjects of a module or
package represented by a dotted name to also be ignored, they match
individual objects found during a scan, including packages,
modules, and global objects*.
You can mix and match the three types of strings in the list. For
example, if the package being scanned is ``my``,
``ignore=['my.package', '.someothermodule',
re.compile('tests$').search]`` would cause ``my.package`` (and all
its submodules and subobjects) to be ignored, ``my.someothermodule``
to be ignored, and any modules, packages, or global objects found
during the scan that have a full dotted name that ends with the word
``tests`` to be ignored.
Note that packages and modules matched by any ignore in the list will
not be imported, and their top-level code will not be run as a result.
A string or callable alone can also be passed as ``ignore`` without a
surrounding list.
.. versionadded:: 1.0a3
the ``ignore`` argument
pkg_name = package.__name__
if ignore is not None and (
isinstance(ignore, str) or not hasattr(ignore, "__iter__")
ignore = [ignore]
elif ignore is None:
ignore = []
# non-leading-dotted name absolute object name
str_ignores = [ign for ign in ignore if isinstance(ign, str)]
# leading dotted name relative to scanned package
rel_ignores = [ign for ign in str_ignores if ign.startswith(".")]
# non-leading dotted names
abs_ignores = [ign for ign in str_ignores if not ign.startswith(".")]
# functions, e.g. re.compile('pattern').search
callable_ignores = [ign for ign in ignore if callable(ign)]
def _ignore(fullname):
for ign in rel_ignores:
if fullname.startswith(pkg_name + ign):
return True
for ign in abs_ignores:
# non-leading-dotted name absolute object name
if fullname.startswith(ign):
return True
for ign in callable_ignores:
if ign(fullname):
return True
return False
def invoke(mod_name, name, ob):
fullname = mod_name + "." + name
if _ignore(fullname):
category_keys = categories
# Some metaclasses do insane things when asked for an
# ``ATTACH_ATTR``, like not raising an AttributeError but
# some other arbitary exception. Some even shittier
# introspected code lets us access ``ATTACH_ATTR`` far but
# barfs on a second attribute access for ``attached_to``
# (still not raising an AttributeError, but some other
# arbitrary exception). Finally, the shittiest code of all
# allows the attribute access of the ``ATTACH_ATTR`` *and*
# ``attached_to``, (say, both ``ob.__getattr__`` and
# ``attached_categories.__getattr__`` returning a proxy for
# any attribute access), which either a) isn't callable or b)
# is callable, but, when called, shits its pants in an
# potentially arbitrary way (although for b, only TypeError
# has been seen in the wild, from PyMongo). Thus the
# catchall except: return here, which in any other case would
# be high treason.
attached_categories = getattr(ob, ATTACH_ATTR)
if not attached_categories.attached_to(mod_name, name, ob):
if category_keys is None:
category_keys = list(attached_categories.keys())
# When metaclasses return proxies for any attribute access
# the list may contain keys of different types which might
# not be sortable. In that case we can just return,
# because we're not dealing with a proper venusian
# callback.
except TypeError: # pragma: no cover
for category in category_keys:
callbacks = attached_categories.get(category, [])
# Metaclasses might trick us by reaching this far and then
# fail with too little values to unpack.
for callback, cb_mod_name, liftid, scope in callbacks:
if cb_mod_name != mod_name:
# avoid processing objects that were imported into
# this module but were not actually defined there
callback(self, name, ob)
except ValueError: # pragma: nocover
for name, ob in getmembers(package):
# whether it's a module or a package, we need to scan its
# members; walk_packages only iterates over submodules and
# subpackages
invoke(pkg_name, name, ob)
if hasattr(package, "__path__"): # package, not module
results = walk_packages(
package.__name__ + ".",
for importer, modname, ispkg in results:
loader = importer.find_module(modname)
if loader is not None: # happens on pypy with orphaned pyc
get_filename = getattr(loader, "get_filename", None)
if get_filename is None: # pragma: nocover
get_filename = loader._get_filename
fn = get_filename(modname)
except TypeError: # pragma: nocover
fn = get_filename()
# NB: use __import__(modname) rather than
# loader.load_module(modname) to prevent
# inappropriate double-execution of module code
except Exception:
if onerror is not None:
module = sys.modules.get(modname)
if module is not None:
for name, ob in getmembers(module, None):
invoke(modname, name, ob)
if hasattr(loader, "file") and hasattr(
loader.file, "close"
): # pragma: nocover
class AttachInfo(object):
An instance of this class is returned by the
:func:`venusian.attach` function. It has the following
One of ``exec``, ``module``, ``class``, ``function call`` or
``unknown`` (each a string). This is the scope detected while
executing the decorator which runs the attach function.
The module in which the decorated function was defined.
A dictionary containing decorator frame's f_locals.
A dictionary containing decorator frame's f_globals.
The ``category`` argument passed to ``attach`` (or ``None``, the
A tuple in the form ``(filename, lineno, function, sourceline)``
representing the context of the venusian decorator used. Eg.
``('/home/chrism/projects/venusian/tests/', 81,
'testCallInfo', 'add_handler(foo, bar)')``
def __init__(self, **kw):
class Categories(dict):
def __init__(self, attached_to):
super(dict, self).__init__()
if isinstance(attached_to, tuple):
self.attached_id = attached_to
self.attached_id = id(attached_to)
self.lifted = False
def attached_to(self, mod_name, name, obj):
if isinstance(self.attached_id, int):
return self.attached_id == id(obj)
return self.attached_id == (mod_name, name)
def attach(wrapped, callback, category=None, depth=1, name=None):
""" Attach a callback to the wrapped object. It will be found
later during a scan. This function returns an instance of the
:class:`venusian.AttachInfo` class.
``category`` should be ``None`` or a string representing a decorator
category name.
``name`` should be ``None`` or a string representing a subcategory within
the category. This will be used by the ``lift`` class decorator to
determine if decorations of a method should be inherited or overridden.
frame = sys._getframe(depth + 1)
scope, module, f_locals, f_globals, codeinfo = getFrameInfo(frame)
module_name = getattr(module, "__name__", None)
wrapped_name = getattr(wrapped, "__name__", None)
class_name = codeinfo[2]
liftid = "%s %s" % (wrapped_name, name)
if scope == "class":
# we're in the midst of a class statement
categories = f_locals.get(ATTACH_ATTR, None)
if categories is None or not categories.attached_to(
module_name, class_name, None
categories = Categories((module_name, class_name))
f_locals[ATTACH_ATTR] = categories
callbacks = categories.setdefault(category, [])
categories = getattr(wrapped, ATTACH_ATTR, None)
if categories is None or not categories.attached_to(
module_name, wrapped_name, wrapped
# if there aren't any attached categories, or we've retrieved
# some by inheritance, we need to create new ones
categories = Categories(wrapped)
setattr(wrapped, ATTACH_ATTR, categories)
callbacks = categories.setdefault(category, [])
callbacks.append((callback, module_name, liftid, scope))
return AttachInfo(
def walk_packages(path=None, prefix="", onerror=None, ignore=None):
"""Yields (module_loader, name, ispkg) for all modules recursively
on path, or, if path is None, all accessible modules.
'path' should be either None or a list of paths to look for
modules in.
'prefix' is a string to output on the front of every module name
on output.
Note that this function must import all *packages* (NOT all
modules!) on the given path, in order to access the __path__
attribute to find submodules.
'onerror' is a function which gets called with one argument (the name of
the package which was being imported) if any exception occurs while
trying to import a package. If no onerror function is supplied, any
exception is exceptions propagated, terminating the search.
'ignore' is a function fed a fullly dotted name; if it returns True, the
object is skipped and not returned in results (and if it's a package it's
not imported).
# list all modules python can access
# list all submodules of ctypes
walk_packages(ctypes.__path__, ctypes.__name__+'.')
# NB: we can't just use pkgutils.walk_packages because we need to ignore
# things
def seen(p, m={}):
if p in m: # pragma: no cover
return True
m[p] = True
# iter_modules is nonrecursive
for importer, name, ispkg in iter_modules(path, prefix):
if ignore is not None and ignore(name):
# if name is a package, ignoring here will cause
# all subpackages and submodules to be ignored too
# do any onerror handling before yielding
if ispkg:
except Exception:
if onerror is not None:
yield importer, name, ispkg
path = getattr(sys.modules[name], "__path__", None) or []
# don't traverse path items we've seen before
path = [p for p in path if not seen(p)]
for item in walk_packages(path, name + ".", onerror, ignore):
yield item
yield importer, name, ispkg
class lift(object):
A class decorator which 'lifts' superclass venusian configuration
decorations into subclasses. For example::
from venusian import lift
from somepackage import venusian_decorator
class Super(object):
def boo(self): pass
def hiss(self): pass
def jump(self): pass
class Sub(Super):
def boo(self): pass
def hiss(self): pass
def smack(self): pass
The above configuration will cause the callbacks of seven venusian
decorators. The ones attached to, Super.hiss, and Super.jump
*plus* ones attached to, Sub.hiss, Sub.hump and Sub.smack.
If a subclass overrides a decorator on a method, its superclass decorators
will be ignored for the subclass. That means that in this configuration::
from venusian import lift
from somepackage import venusian_decorator
class Super(object):
def boo(self): pass
def hiss(self): pass
class Sub(Super):
def boo(self): pass
def hiss(self): pass
Only four, not five decorator callbacks will be run: the ones attached to and Super.hiss, the inherited one of and the
non-inherited one of Sub.hiss. The inherited decorator on Super.hiss will
be ignored for the subclass.
The ``lift`` decorator takes a single argument named 'categories'. If
supplied, it should be a tuple of category names. Only decorators
in this category will be lifted if it is suppled.
def __init__(self, categories=None):
self.categories = categories
def __call__(self, wrapped):
if not isclass(wrapped):
raise RuntimeError(
'"lift" only works as a class decorator; you tried to use '
"it against %r" % wrapped
frame = sys._getframe(1)
scope, module, f_locals, f_globals, codeinfo = getFrameInfo(frame)
module_name = getattr(module, "__name__", None)
newcategories = Categories(wrapped)
newcategories.lifted = True
for cls in getmro(wrapped):
attached_categories = cls.__dict__.get(ATTACH_ATTR, None)
if attached_categories is None:
attached_categories = cls.__dict__.get(LIFTONLY_ATTR, None)
if attached_categories is not None:
for cname, category in attached_categories.items():
if cls is not wrapped:
if self.categories and not cname in self.categories:
callbacks = newcategories.get(cname, [])
newcallbacks = []
for cb, _, liftid, cscope in category:
append = True
toappend = (cb, module_name, liftid, cscope)
if cscope == "class":
for ncb, _, nliftid, nscope in callbacks:
if nscope == "class" and liftid == nliftid:
append = False
if append:
newcategory = list(callbacks) + newcallbacks
newcategories[cname] = newcategory
if attached_categories.lifted:
if newcategories: # if it has any keys
setattr(wrapped, ATTACH_ATTR, newcategories)
return wrapped
class onlyliftedfrom(object):
A class decorator which marks a class as 'only lifted from'. Decorations
made on methods of the class won't have their callbacks called directly,
but classes which inherit from only-lifted-from classes which also use the
``lift`` class decorator will use the superclass decoration callbacks.
For example::
from venusian import lift, onlyliftedfrom
from somepackage import venusian_decorator
class Super(object):
def boo(self): pass
def hiss(self): pass
class Sub(Super):
def boo(self): pass
def hiss(self): pass
Only two decorator callbacks will be run: the ones attached to and
Sub.hiss. The inherited decorators on and Super.hiss will be
not be registered.
def __call__(self, wrapped):
if not isclass(wrapped):
raise RuntimeError(
'"onlyliftedfrom" only works as a class decorator; you tried '
"to use it against %r" % wrapped
cats = getattr(wrapped, ATTACH_ATTR, None)
class_name = wrapped.__name__
module_name = wrapped.__module__
key = (module_name, class_name, wrapped)
if cats is None or not cats.attached_to(*key):
# we either have no categories or our categories are defined
# in a superclass
delattr(wrapped, ATTACH_ATTR)
setattr(wrapped, LIFTONLY_ATTR, cats)
return wrapped