Change history for Faust 1.2

This document contain change notes for bugfix releases in the Faust 1.2.x series. If you’re looking for changes in the latest series, please visit the latest Changelog.

For even older releases you can visit the History section.


  • Requirements

    • Now depends on aiocontextvars 0.1.x.

      The new 0.2 version is backwards incompatible and breaks Faust.

  • Settings: Increases default broker_session_timeout to 60.0 seconds.

  • Tables: Fixes use of windowed tables when using simplejson.

    This change makes sure simplejson serializes typing.NamedTuple as lists, and not dictionaries.

    Fix contributed by Omar Rayward (@omarrayward).

  • Tables: windowed_table[key].now() works outside of stream iteration.

    Fix contributed by Omar Rayward (@omarrayward).

  • Examples: New Kubernetes example.

    Contributed by Omar Rayward (@omarrayward).

  • Misc: Fixes DeprecationWarning for asyncio.current_task.

  • Typing: Type checks now compatible with mypy 0.641.

  • Documentation and examples fixes contributed by



2018-10-08 5:00 P.M PDT


Ask Solem (@ask)

  • Worker: Fixed crash introduced in 1.2.0 if no --loglevel argument present.

  • Web: The aiohttp driver now exposes app.web.web_app attribute.

    This will be the aiohttp.web_app.Application instance used.

  • Documentation: Fixed markup typo in the settings section of the User Guide (Issue #177).

    Contributed by Denis Kataev (@kataev).



2018-10-05 5:23 P.M PDT


Ask Solem (@ask).


  • CLI: All commands, including user-defined, now wait for producer to

    be fully stopped before shutting down to make sure buffers are flushed (Issue #172).

  • Table: Delete event in changelog would crash app on table restore (Issue #175)

  • App: Channels and topics now take default

    key_serializer/value_serializer from key_type/value_type when they are specified as models (Issue #173).

    This ensures support for custom codecs specified using the model serializer class keyword:

    class X(faust.Record, serializer='msgpack'):
        x: int
        y: int


  • Requirements

  • CLI: Command-line improvements.

    • All subcommands are now executed by mode.Worker.

      This means all commands will have the same environment set up, including logging, signal handling, blocking detection support, and remote aiomonitor console support.

    • faust worker options moved to top level (built-in) options:

      • --logfile

      • --loglevel

      • --console-port

      • --blocking-timeout

      To be backwards compatible these options can now appear before and after the faust worker command on the command-line (but for all other commands they need to be specified before the command name):

      $ ./examples/ -l info worker  # OK
      $ ./examples/ worker -l info  # OK
      $ ./examples/ -l info agents  # OK
      $ ./examples/ agents -l info  # ERROR!
    • If you want a long running background command that will run even after returning, use: daemon=True.

      If enabled the program will not shut down until either the user hits Control-c, or the process is terminated by a signal:

      async def foo():
          # set up stuff
          return  # command will continue to run after return.
  • CLI: New call_command() utility for testing.

    This can be used to safely call a command by name, given an argument list.

  • Producer: New producer_partitioner setting (Issue #164)

  • Models: Attempting to instantiate abstract model now raises an error (Issue #168).

  • App: App will no longer raise if configuration accessed before being finalized.

    Instead there’s a new AlreadyConfiguredWarning emitted when a configuration key that has been read is modified.

  • Distribution: Setuptools metadata now moved to to

    keep in one location.

    This also helps the README banner icons show the correct information.

    Contributed by Bryant Biggs (@bryantbiggs)

  • Documentation and examples improvements by

Web Improvements


faust.web is a small web abstraction used by Faust projects.

It is kept separate and is decoupled from stream processing so in the future we can move it to a separate package if necessary.

You can safely disable the web server component of any Faust worker by passing the --without-web option.

  • Web: Users can now disable the web server from the faust worker

    (Issue #167).

    Either by passing faust worker --without-web on the command-line, or by using the new web_enable setting.

  • Web: Blueprints can now be added to apps by using strings


    app = faust.App('name')
    app.web.blueprints.add('/users/', 'proj.users.views:blueprint')
  • Web: Web server can now serve using Unix domain sockets.

    The --web-transport argument to faust worker, and the web_transport setting was added for this purpose.

    Serve HTTP over Unix domain socket:

    faust -A app -l info worker --web-transport=unix:///tmp/faustweb.sock
  • Web: Web server is now started by the App

    This makes it easier to access web-related functionality from the app. For example to get the URL for a view by name, you can now use app.web to do so after registering a blueprint:

    app.web.url_for('user:detail', user_id=3)
  • New web allows you to specify web framework by URL.

    Default, and only supported web driver is currently aiohttp://.

  • View: A view can now define __post_init__, just like dataclasses/Faust models can.

    This is useful for when you don’t want to deal with all the work involved in overriding __init__:

    @blueprint.route('/', name='list')
    class UserListView(web.View):
        def __post_init__(self):
            self.something = True
        async def get(self, request, response):
            if self.something:
  • aiohttp Driver: json() response method now uses the Faust json

    serializer for automatic support of __json__ callbacks.

  • Web: New cache decorator and cache backends

    The cache decorator can be used to cache views, supporting both in-memory and Redis for storing the cache.

    from faust import web
    blueprint = web.Blueprint('users')
    cache = blueprint.cache(timeout=300.0)
    @blueprint.route('/', name='list')
    class UserListView(web.View):
        async def get(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response:
            return web.json(...)
    @blueprint.route('/{user_id}/', name='detail')
    class UserDetailView(web.View):
        async def get(self,
                      request: web.Request,
                      user_id: str) -> web.Response:
            return web.json(...)

    At this point the views are realized and can be used from Python code, but the cached get method handlers cannot be called yet.

    To actually use the view from a web server, we need to register the blueprint to an app:

    app = faust.App(
    app.web.blueprints.add('/user/', '')

    After this the web server will have fully-realized views with actually cached method handlers.

    The blueprint is registered with a prefix, so the URL for the UserListView is now /user/, and the URL for the UserDetailView is /user/{user_id}/.