
Python click parameter types.

class faust.cli.params.CaseInsensitiveChoice(choices: Iterable[Any])[source]

Case-insensitive version of click.Choice.

convert(value: str, param: Optional[Parameter], ctx: Optional[Context]) Any[source]

Convert string to case-insensitive choice.

Return type:


class faust.cli.params.TCPPort[source]

CLI option: TCP Port (integer in range 1 - 65535).

name = 'range[1-65535]'

the descriptive name of this type

class faust.cli.params.URLParam[source]

URL click parameter type.

Converts any string URL to yarl.URL.

name = 'URL'

the descriptive name of this type

convert(value: str, param: Optional[Parameter], ctx: Optional[Context]) URL[source]

Convert str argument to yarl.URL.

Return type: