
Base-interface for sensors.

class faust.sensors.base.Sensor(*, beacon: Optional[NodeT] = None, loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None)[source]

Base class for sensors.

This sensor does not do anything at all, but can be subclassed to create new monitors.

on_message_in(tp: TP, offset: int, message: Message) None[source]

Message received by a consumer.

Return type:


on_stream_event_in(tp: TP, offset: int, stream: StreamT, event: EventT) Optional[Dict][source]

Message sent to a stream as an event.

Return type:

_GenericAlias[_GenericAlias[~KT, ~VT], None]

on_stream_event_out(tp: TP, offset: int, stream: StreamT, event: EventT, state: Optional[Dict] = None) None[source]

Event was acknowledged by stream.


Acknowledged means a stream finished processing the event, but given that multiple streams may be handling the same event, the message cannot be committed before all streams have processed it. When all streams have acknowledged the event, it will go through on_message_out() just before offsets are committed.

Return type:


on_message_out(tp: TP, offset: int, message: Message) None[source]

All streams finished processing message.

Return type:


on_topic_buffer_full(tp: TP) None[source]

Topic buffer full so conductor had to wait.

Return type:


on_table_get(table: CollectionT, key: Any) None[source]

Key retrieved from table.

Return type:


on_table_set(table: CollectionT, key: Any, value: Any) None[source]

Value set for key in table.

Return type:


on_table_del(table: CollectionT, key: Any) None[source]

Key deleted from table.

Return type:


on_commit_initiated(consumer: ConsumerT) Any[source]

Consumer is about to commit topic offset.

Return type:


on_commit_completed(consumer: ConsumerT, state: Any) None[source]

Consumer finished committing topic offset.

Return type:


on_send_initiated(producer: ProducerT, topic: str, message: PendingMessage, keysize: int, valsize: int) Any[source]

About to send a message.

Return type:


on_send_completed(producer: ProducerT, state: Any, metadata: RecordMetadata) None[source]

Message successfully sent.

Return type:


on_send_error(producer: ProducerT, exc: BaseException, state: Any) None[source]

Error while sending message.

Return type:


on_assignment_start(assignor: PartitionAssignorT) Dict[source]

Partition assignor is starting to assign partitions.

Return type:

_GenericAlias[~KT, ~VT]

on_assignment_error(assignor: PartitionAssignorT, state: Dict, exc: BaseException) None[source]

Partition assignor did not complete assignor due to error.

Return type:


on_assignment_completed(assignor: PartitionAssignorT, state: Dict) None[source]

Partition assignor completed assignment.

Return type:


on_rebalance_start(app: AppT) Dict[source]

Cluster rebalance in progress.

Return type:

_GenericAlias[~KT, ~VT]

on_rebalance_return(app: AppT, state: Dict) None[source]

Consumer replied assignment is done to broker.

Return type:


on_rebalance_end(app: AppT, state: Dict) None[source]

Cluster rebalance fully completed (including recovery).

Return type:


on_web_request_start(app: AppT, request: Request, *, view: Optional[View] = None) Dict[source]

Web server started working on request.

Return type:

_GenericAlias[~KT, ~VT]

on_web_request_end(app: AppT, request: Request, response: Optional[Response], state: Dict, *, view: Optional[View] = None) None[source]

Web server finished working on request.

Return type:


on_threaded_producer_buffer_processed(app: AppT, size: int) None[source]
Return type:


asdict() Mapping[source]

Convert sensor state to dictionary.

Return type:

_GenericAlias[~KT, +VT_co]

logger: logging.Logger = <Logger faust.sensors.base (WARNING)>
log: CompositeLogger
diag: DiagT
async_exit_stack: AsyncExitStack
exit_stack: ExitStack
class faust.sensors.base.SensorDelegate(app: AppT)[source]

A class that delegates sensor methods to a list of sensors.

add(sensor: SensorT) None[source]

Add sensor.

Return type:


remove(sensor: SensorT) None[source]

Remove sensor.

Return type:


on_message_in(tp: TP, offset: int, message: Message) None[source]

Call before message is delegated to streams.

Return type:


on_stream_event_in(tp: TP, offset: int, stream: StreamT, event: EventT) Optional[Dict][source]

Call when stream starts processing an event.

Return type:

_GenericAlias[_GenericAlias[~KT, ~VT], None]

on_stream_event_out(tp: TP, offset: int, stream: StreamT, event: EventT, state: Optional[Dict] = None) None[source]

Call when stream is done processing an event.

Return type:


on_topic_buffer_full(tp: TP) None[source]

Call when conductor topic buffer is full and has to wait.

Return type:


on_message_out(tp: TP, offset: int, message: Message) None[source]

Call when message is fully acknowledged and can be committed.

Return type:


on_table_get(table: CollectionT, key: Any) None[source]

Call when value in table is retrieved.

Return type:


on_table_set(table: CollectionT, key: Any, value: Any) None[source]

Call when new value for key in table is set.

Return type:


on_table_del(table: CollectionT, key: Any) None[source]

Call when key in a table is deleted.

Return type:


on_commit_initiated(consumer: ConsumerT) Any[source]

Call when consumer commit offset operation starts.

Return type:


on_commit_completed(consumer: ConsumerT, state: Any) None[source]

Call when consumer commit offset operation completed.

Return type:


on_send_initiated(producer: ProducerT, topic: str, message: PendingMessage, keysize: int, valsize: int) Any[source]

Call when message added to producer buffer.

Return type:


on_send_completed(producer: ProducerT, state: Any, metadata: RecordMetadata) None[source]

Call when producer finished sending message.

Return type:


on_send_error(producer: ProducerT, exc: BaseException, state: Any) None[source]

Call when producer was unable to publish message.

Return type:


on_assignment_start(assignor: PartitionAssignorT) Dict[source]

Partition assignor is starting to assign partitions.

Return type:

_GenericAlias[~KT, ~VT]

on_assignment_error(assignor: PartitionAssignorT, state: Dict, exc: BaseException) None[source]

Partition assignor did not complete assignor due to error.

Return type:


on_assignment_completed(assignor: PartitionAssignorT, state: Dict) None[source]

Partition assignor completed assignment.

Return type:


on_rebalance_start(app: AppT) Dict[source]

Cluster rebalance in progress.

Return type:

_GenericAlias[~KT, ~VT]

on_rebalance_return(app: AppT, state: Dict) None[source]

Consumer replied assignment is done to broker.

Return type:


on_rebalance_end(app: AppT, state: Dict) None[source]

Cluster rebalance fully completed (including recovery).

Return type:


on_web_request_start(app: AppT, request: Request, *, view: Optional[View] = None) Dict[source]

Web server started working on request.

Return type:

_GenericAlias[~KT, ~VT]

on_web_request_end(app: AppT, request: Request, response: Optional[Response], state: Dict, *, view: Optional[View] = None) None[source]

Web server finished working on request.

Return type:


on_threaded_producer_buffer_processed(app: AppT, size: int) None[source]
Return type:
